Rund um den Girenspitz

Rund um den Girenspitz

  • 16.9 km
  • 06:45 h
  • 1069 m
  • 1069 m
Rund um den Girenspitz
A close-up view of the Schesaplana! Schuders is a tiny mountain village high above the valley floor. Even the drive up - whether by car or (more relaxed) by post bus - is an experience. It leads over the bold Salignatobel Bridge, which was added to the list of "World Monuments" in 1990. If you would like to take a closer look at this bridge, built in 1929/30, take a short circular walk (takes about 45 minutes). However, this is only advisable after our hike, for which you should take it easy, as it is quite long and strenuous on the one hand, but the scenery is magnificent on the other. The close-up view of the Rätikon is particularly impressive, especially of the Schesaplana, Sulzfluh and Drusenfluh. If you dare, you can also climb the Girenspitz over steep grass - without markings, just tracks. Slippery and dangerous in wet conditions. The ridge narrows at the end to form an exposed ridge.
Starting point: Valley town / starting point: Schiers, 660 m.Schuders, 1272 m. Small mountain village high above the valley floor. Accessible from Schiers (train station) by car or post bus (reservation required). Requirements: Strenuous mountain hike that requires surefootedness, stamina and alpine experience.
A tour by:
Rother Wanderführer Davos-Prättigau (Rudolf Weiss, Siegrun Weiss)